diff --git a/www-apache/mod_security/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_security/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d2a606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_security/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+DIST modsecurity-2.9.6.tar.gz 4316582 BLAKE2B f344f8630218c401a3b0eb0de9f5f23d9d1f9f65bf5c4cff2d8d0ea3ebd27cf0202ce2199b1c6d923237ee49a3b151cce46a8de3563fa743cf119c8c25270af3 SHA512 54b3316950094b3951fcfdd82bbacd34dfa8f5500b9a772d3296f411711bad0dcad51068b25cb2c196fdc4b2e1095d54701370d25180c0c68cf0913bd7d4ea03
+DIST modsecurity-2.9.7.tar.gz 4320766 BLAKE2B 2e0c62ae4f6fcef0b41bf1f74ab5acbae485e728f35bf621a96e622d86e2256c7e052d3a452ff49a4c4cb824243e71a706f9a5868bb3f77e37191a1dfe1b371b SHA512 a333d142f0dedf332a3cccca8267ccf9193cd4ad5a026b3cdbe0713dd1f3edde33739eae8baced2c63409cc0b220001e0a226ea032874a97c08e4065eb1fbdd5
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_security/files/79_mod_security.conf b/www-apache/mod_security/files/79_mod_security.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7e128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_security/files/79_mod_security.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2.so
+ # These paths are Gentoo-specific, created by the ebuild.
+ SecDataDir /var/lib/modsecurity/data
+ SecTmpDir /var/lib/modsecurity/tmp
+ SecUploadDir /var/lib/modsecurity/upload
+ # A copy of upstream's modsecurity.conf-recommended is installed
+ # along with the documentation for mod_security. It contains many
+ # recommended settings that you should evaluate for your system.
+ # The full documentation for the available settings can be found
+ # in the mod_security reference manual, at
+ #
+ # https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Reference-Manual
+ #
+ # and in particular in the "Configuration Directives" setting.
+ #
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_security/files/mod_security-2.9.3-autoconf_lua_package_name.patch b/www-apache/mod_security/files/mod_security-2.9.3-autoconf_lua_package_name.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733524e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_security/files/mod_security-2.9.3-autoconf_lua_package_name.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/build/find_lua.m4
++++ b/build/find_lua.m4
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+-LUA_PKGNAMES="lua5.1 lua-5.1 lua_5.1 lua-51 lua_51 lua51 lua5 lua lua5.2 lua-5.2 lua_5.2 lua-52 lua_52 lua52 lua5.3 lua-5.3 lua_5.3 lua-53 lua_53 lua53 "
+ LUA_SONAMES="so la sl dll dylib a"
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_security/files/modsecurity-2.7.conf b/www-apache/mod_security/files/modsecurity-2.7.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43508bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_security/files/modsecurity-2.7.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2.so
+# Enable looking up geolocation data from MaxMind's GeoIP database
+SecGeoLookupDb /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
+SecDataDir /var/cache/modsecurity
+# Define here your http:BL API key if any
+# see http://www.projecthoneypot.org/httpbl_api.php
+#SecHttpBlKey xxxxxxxx
+# -*- apache -*-
+# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_security/mod_security-2.9.7.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_security/mod_security-2.9.7.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50dcea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_security/mod_security-2.9.7.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-{1..3} )
+inherit autotools apache-module lua-single
+DESCRIPTION="Application firewall and intrusion detection for Apache"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~arm ~arm64"
+IUSE="doc fuzzyhash geoip jit json lua mlogc pcre2"
+ dev-libs/apr-util:1[openssl]
+ dev-libs/expat
+ dev-libs/libxml2
+ dev-libs/libpcre[jit?]
+ net-misc/curl
+ sys-apps/util-linux
+ sys-libs/gdbm:=
+ virtual/libcrypt:=
+ fuzzyhash? ( app-crypt/ssdeep )
+ json? ( dev-libs/yajl )
+ lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )
+ mlogc? ( net-misc/curl )
+ pcre2? ( dev-libs/libpcre2:= )
+ www-servers/apache[apache2_modules_unique_id]"
+BDEPEND="doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
+ geoip? ( dev-libs/geoip )
+ mlogc? ( dev-lang/perl )"
+# Tests require symbols only defined within the Apache binary.
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.9.3-autoconf_lua_package_name.patch
+pkg_setup() {
+ _init_apache2
+ _init_apache2_late
+ use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=(
+ --disable-static
+ --enable-request-early
+ --with-apxs="${APXS}"
+ --with-pic
+ $(use_enable doc docs)
+ $(use_enable jit pcre-jit)
+ $(use_enable lua lua-cache)
+ $(use_enable mlogc)
+ $(use_with fuzzyhash ssdeep)
+ $(use_with json yajl)
+ $(use_with lua)
+ $(use_with pcre2)
+ )
+ econf ${myconf[@]}
+src_compile() {
+ default
+src_install() {
+ apache-module_src_install
+ dodoc CHANGES README.md modsecurity.conf-recommended unicode.mapping
+ if use doc; then
+ dodoc -r doc/apache/html
+ fi
+ if use mlogc; then
+ insinto /etc/
+ newins mlogc/mlogc-default.conf mlogc.conf
+ dobin mlogc/mlogc
+ dobin mlogc/mlogc-batch-load.pl
+ newdoc mlogc/INSTALL INSTALL-mlogc
+ fi
+ # Use /var/lib instead of /var/cache. This stuff is "persistent,"
+ # and isn't a cached copy of something that we can recreate.
+ # Bug 605496.
+ keepdir /var/lib/modsecurity
+ fowners apache:apache /var/lib/modsecurity
+ fperms 0750 /var/lib/modsecurity
+ for dir in data tmp upload; do
+ keepdir "/var/lib/modsecurity/${dir}"
+ fowners apache:apache "/var/lib/modsecurity/${dir}"
+ fperms 0750 "/var/lib/modsecurity/${dir}"
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "The base configuration file has been renamed ${APACHE2_MOD_CONF}"
+ elog "so that you can put your own configuration in (for example)"
+ elog "90_modsecurity_local.conf."
+ elog ""
+ elog "That would be the correct place for site-global security rules."
+ elog "Note: 80_modsecurity_crs.conf is used by www-apache/modsecurity-crs"