### Generic CI Template for chrootbuild # # # Usage: chrootbuild [options] # # -b Branch to use: # (unstable/testing/stable-staging/stable; # arm-unstable/arm-testing/arm-stable) # default: unstable / arm-unstable # -c Start with clean chroot fs # -h This help # -i Install package(s) to chroot fs # (for multiple packages repeat -i flag) # -l List(s) to build # (for multiple lists repeat -l flag) # -n Install built pkg to chroot fs # -p Package(s) to build # (for multiple packages repeat -p flag) # -r Remove previously built packages in $PKGDEST # -s Sign package(s) build-package: tags: # change the tag to your gitlab-runner - bigbuilds - aarch64 - fosshost - xlarge script: # build pkg via chrootbuild - export PKG=${PWD##*/} - cd .. - sudo chrootbuild -b arm-unstable -cp $PKG - mv -v ./*.pkg.tar.* $PKG #- sudo pacman -Syy && makepkg -scr --noconfirm artifacts: paths: - ./*.pkg.tar.* expire_in: 1 week