Vincent Hardy azure-cli Install the Azure Container Registries module. i.e. 'az acr' Install the container module. i.e. 'az acs' and 'az aks' Install the advisor module. i.e. 'az advisor' Install the ams module. i.e. 'az ams' Install the API management services module. i.e. 'az apim' Install the App Configuration Management module. i.e. 'az appconfig' Install the appservice module. i.e. 'az appservice', 'az webapp' and 'az functionapp' Install the Red Hat Openshift module. i.e. 'az aro' Install the backup module. i.e. 'az backup' Install the batch module. i.e. 'az batch' Install the billing module. i.e. 'az billing' Install the bot service module. i.e. 'az bot' Install the Content Delivery Network module. i.e. 'az cdn' Install the cloud module. i.e. 'az cloud' Install the cognitive services module. i.e. 'az cognitiveservices' Install the consumption module. i.e. 'az consumption' Install the tools container module. i.e. 'az container' Install the cosmosdb module. i.e. 'az cosmosdb' Install the databoxedge module. i.e. 'az databoxedge' Install the deploymentmanager module. i.e. 'az deploymentmanager' Install the dla module. i.e. 'az dla' Install the dls module. i.e. 'az dls' Install the 'Database Migration Service' module. i.e. 'az dms' Install the eventgrid module. i.e. 'az eventgrid' Install the eventhubs module. i.e. 'az eventhubs' Install the extension module. i.e. 'az extension' Install the feedback module. i.e. 'az feedback' Install the find module. i.e. 'az find' Install the hdinsight module. i.e. 'az hdinsight' Install the shell module. i.e. 'az interactive' Install the iot module. i.e. 'az iot' Install the keyvault module. i.e. 'az keyvault' Install the KUSTO module. i.e. 'az kusto' Install the lab module. i.e. 'az lab' Install the managedservices module. i.e. 'az managedservices' Install the maps module. i.e. 'az maps' Install the monitor module. i.e. 'az monitor' Install the Azure NetApp Files module. i.e. 'az netappfiles' Install the network module. i.e. 'az network' Install the policyinsights module. i.e. 'az policy event' and 'az policy state' Install the rdbms module. i.e. 'az mariadb', 'az mysql' and 'az postgres' Install the redis module. i.e. 'az redis' Install the relay module. i.e. 'az relay' Install the reservations module. i.e. 'az reservations' Install the resource module. i.e. 'az resource' Install the role module. i.e. 'az role', 'az identity' and 'az ad' Install the search module. i.e. 'az search' Install the security module. i.e. 'az security task' and 'az security alert' Install the service bus module. i.e. 'az servicebus' Install the service fabric module. i.e. 'az sf' Install the sql module. i.e. 'az sql' Install the sql vm module. i.e. 'az sql vm' Install the signalr module. i.e. 'az signalr' Install the storage module. i.e. 'az storage' Install the synapse module. i.e. 'az synapse' Install utility to invoke a custom request i.e. 'az rest' Install the VM module. i.e. 'az vm', 'az vmss', 'az ppg', 'az disk', 'az sig', 'az snapshot' and 'az image'