# uMTP Responder config file
# Must be copied to /etc/umtprd/umtprd.conf

# Loop / daemon mode
# Set to 1 to don't shutdown uMTPrd when the link is disconnected.

loop_on_disconnect 1

#storage command : Create add a storage entry point. Up to 16 entry points supported
#Syntax : storage "PATH" "NAME"

storage "/"              "System"  "ro"
storage "/home"          "Home"    "rw"
storage "/media/sdcard"  "SD Card" "rw"

# Set the USB manufacturer string

manufacturer "Manjaro"

# Set the USB Product string

product "Manjaro"

# Set the USB Serial number string

serial "01234567"

# Set the USB interface string. Should be always "MTP"

interface "MTP"

# Set the USB Vendor ID, Product ID and class

usb_vendor_id  0x1D6B # Linux Foundation
usb_product_id 0x0104 # Multifunction composite gadget
usb_class 0x6         # Image
usb_subclass 0x1      # Still Imaging device
usb_protocol 0x1      #

# Device version

usb_dev_version 0x3008

# USB gadget device driver path

usb_functionfs_mode 0x1

usb_dev_path   "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep0"
usb_epin_path  "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep1"
usb_epout_path "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep2"
usb_epint_path "/dev/ffs-mtp/ep3"

usb_max_packet_size 0x200