[Unit] Description=Phosh, a shell for mobile phones Documentation=https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh # replaces the getty Conflicts=getty@tty1.service After=getty@tty1.service # Needs all the dependencies of the services it's replacing # (currently getty@tty1.service): After=rc-local.service plymouth-quit-wait.service systemd-user-sessions.service OnFailure=getty@tty1.service # D-Bus is necessary for contacting logind. Logind is required. Wants=dbus.socket After=dbus.socket # This scope is created by pam_systemd when logging in as the user. # This directive is a workaround to a systemd bug, where the setup of the # user session by PAM has some race condition, possibly leading to a failure. # See README for more details. After=session-c1.scope # Since we are part of the graphical session, make sure we are started before # it is complete. Before=graphical.target # Prevent starting on systems without virtual consoles ConditionPathExists=/dev/tty0 [Service] Environment=LANG=C.UTF-8 Environment=XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Phosh:GNOME Environment=XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=phosh Environment=XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland ExecStart=/usr/bin/phosh-session TimeoutStartSec=30 User=1000 PAMName=login WorkingDirectory=~ Restart=always RestartSec=5s # A virtual terminal is needed. TTYPath=/dev/tty7 TTYReset=yes TTYVHangup=yes TTYVTDisallocate=yes # Fail to start if not controlling the tty. StandardInput=tty-fail StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal # Log this user with utmp, letting it show up with commands 'w' and 'who'. UtmpIdentifier=tty7 UtmpMode=user [Install] WantedBy=graphical.target