.TH "gentoo-pipewire-launcher" "1" "2023-06-15" .SH "NAME" gentoo\-pipewire\-launcher \- start instances of PipeWire, PipeWire-Pulse and WirePlumber .SH "SYNOPSIS" .BR gentoo\-pipewire\-launcher [restart] .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fIgentoo\-pipewire\-launcher\fR starts instances of PipeWire and WirePlumber. Two instances of PipeWire are started: one as the core sound-server, and one for PulseAudio emulation (cf.\& .BR pipewire-pulse (1)\fR). .PP It must be run in an environment with an active D-Bus session bus, i.e. one in which the .B DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set appropriately. .PP \fIgentoo\-pipewire\-launcher\fR tries to avoid restarting, in order to avoid audio dropouts. However, a restart can be forced by calling \fIgentoo\-pipewire\-launcher\fR with an argument of \(oqrestart\(cq. .PP .B ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gentoo\-pipewire\-launcher.conf can be used to specify absolute paths of files to which log output should be sent, by specifying values for one or more of the .B GENTOO_PIPEWIRE_LOG\fR, .B GENTOO_PIPEWIRE_PULSE_LOG\fR, and .B GENTOO_WIREPLUMBER_LOG variables, one per line. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Please report bugs via https://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH "FILES" .TP .B ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gentoo\-pipewire\-launcher.conf configures locations of files for log output. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR pipewire (1), .BR pipewire-pulse (1), .BR wireplumber (1), .BR pipewire.conf (5)