# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI="6" UNIPATCH_STRICTORDER="yes" K_NOUSENAME="yes" K_NOSETEXTRAVERSION="yes" K_NOUSEPR="yes" K_SECURITY_UNSUPPORTED="1" K_BASE_VER="5.12" K_EXP_GENPATCHES_NOUSE="1" K_FROM_GIT="yes" ETYPE="sources" CKV="${PVR/-r/-git}" # only use this if it's not an _rc/_pre release [ "${PV/_pre}" == "${PV}" ] && [ "${PV/_rc}" == "${PV}" ] && OKV="${PV}" inherit kernel-2 detect_version DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=sys-devel/patch-2.7.5" DESCRIPTION="Full sources for the Linux kernel, with megi's patch for pinephone" HOMEPAGE="https://www.kernel.org" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86" KERNEL_URI="https://github.com/megous/linux/archive/c6fda0a09217b8c183cf1ef4782746fcfcf055f1.tar.gz -> {$P}.tar.gz" SRC_URI="${KERNEL_URI}" src_prepare() { default eapply_user } pkg_postinst() { kernel-2_pkg_postinst einfo "For more info on this patchset, and how to report problems, see:" einfo "${HOMEPAGE}" einfo "To build the kernel use the following command:" einfo "make Image Image.gz modules" einfo "make DTC_FLAGS="-@" dtbs" einfo "make install; make modules_intall; make dtbs_install" einfo "If you use kernel config coming with this ebuild, don't forget to also copy dracut-pp.conf to /etc/dracut.conf.d/" einfo "to make sure proper kernel modules are loaded into initramfs" einfo "if you want to cross compile pinephone kernel on amd64 host, follow the https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Cross_build_environment" einfo "to setup cross toolchain environment, then create a xmake wrapper like the following, and replace make with xmake in above commands" einfo "#!/bin/sh" einfo "exec make ARCH='arm64' CROSS_COMPILE='aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-' INSTALL_MOD_PATH='${SYSROOT}' '$@'" } pkg_postrm() { kernel-2_pkg_postrm }